Business Process

Discovery Phase

In the discovery phase we will review the current arrangements talking to the relevant individuals and obtaining the pertinent information to obtain a full insight into the operation of the service. From this information we will draw up a report to summarise the situation and to outline the next potential steps.

RFP and Long List

Once the next steps have been agreed we will produce a pro forma "Request for Proposal". At the same time we will agree the basis for the selection of the organisations or people for the long list. Once both of these have been finalised they will be issued to the relevant parties and, once they have been returned, collated into a report.

Review Results and production of Short List

Following the production of the report, we will sit down with the client and discuss the findings of the report and agree a shortlist of candidates to be interviewed for the relevant role.

Interviews, review and appointment

We are happy to assist in preparation for the interviews to ensure that all the important and relevant facts are gleaned from the process. We will also attend the meetings and then help you to review your findings and come to an agreement regarding the successful organisation. Then, if required, we are happy to help with their appointment.

Regular review of requirements and performance

It is important that once a new appointment is made that you regularly review their performance against both their objectives and your requirements to make sure that the service remains appropriate to your needs. It is also best practice to undergo a formal review every three years. We are very happy to assist with these tasks as and when required.

My View

The role of Investment consultants can broadly be split into to areas - investment strategy and manager selection. In general manager selection naturally follows on from the strategy that is set by the trustees.

With detailed analysis of recommendations and subsequent monitoring of the strategy Trustees will a better chance of being sold unnecessarily complex and expensive investment solutions.